If There’s A History Of Drug Use In My Family, Does That Mean My Child Will, Too?

If there is a history of drug use in your family, it’s natural to be worried about your child’s fate. Genetic and environmental factors play a role in your child’s predisposition to substance abuse, but they do not determine their fate. In fact, your child can be the person that stops the cycle of abuse. […]
New Teen Drug Use Trends

You may have spent time talking to your teen about the dangers of binge drinking, prescription drug abuse, and cigarette smoking, but there are other drug use trends that you may not be aware of. If you don’t talk to your teen about them, they may think they are engaging in harmless fun. Unfortunately, these […]
After School Activity Ideas To Stay Away From Drugs

It’s important for teens to have structured activities to take part in after school. Whether it’s a sports team, drama club or a volunteer opportunity, extracurricular activities are a great way to fill unstructured time and bring like-minded students together. Some parents get concerned that these activities may cut into their child’s academics, but this […]
What Can My Teenager Expect When Entering Youth Rehab?

Entering your teen into a youth treatment program is a scary feeling because there are so many unknowns. What will the detox process be like? What will they do during the day? How can you help your child through this? It’s normal to have so many questions, which is why some treatment centers provide a […]
Substance Abuse Programs For Teens And Adults: What’s The Difference?

Here at The River Source, we offer holistic treatment programs for both teens and adults. What many people don’t realize is that these programs are very different from each other. Adult treatment programs are typically not effective with teens. Adolescents require an individualized treatment program that focuses on providing structure and support to the family […]
Tips For Teens Starting School: How To Say “No” To Drugs

Starting a new school year is sure to bring out feelings of excitement and anxiety. You may be looking forward to seeing your friends, getting back into a routine and continuing your studies, but it’s also normal to feel anxious about a new year. As you move through junior high and high school, you may […]
If My Parents Use Drugs, Does That Mean I Will?

Did you know that one out of four people under the age of 18 is exposed to drugs and alcohol in their very own family, according to the American Journal of Public Health? This means that millions of young people are living with a parent who is dependent on drugs or alcohol. You are certainly […]
New Marijuana: “Wax”

Over the past couple of years, a unique form of marijuana has been growing in popularity. “Ear wax,” or simply “wax” is a powerful concentrate of marijuana that leads to a faster, stronger high. Wax is said to be the most potent form of marijuana on the market, and its appeal seems to be even […]
2015 Drug Trends For Teens

New drugs and drug trends come into the picture quickly, and it’s not until negative consequences occur that law enforcement, health officials and treatment centers learn the true scope of the problem. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) hosts a group of researchers in major metropolitan areas to keep tabs on emerging drug trends […]
5 Myths About Teen Eating Disorders

Here at The River Source, our youth program treats male teens, ages 13-17, some of whom have struggled with past eating disorders, which needs to be diagnosed and treated before coming to our facility. We can provide you with resources for your son’s eating disorder and line up substance abuse treatment following that. To treat […]
5 Tips To Cope When Your Teen Is In Rehab

Placing your teen in an addiction treatment center is one of the hardest decisions you’ll make. You’re probably even feeling a little conflicted. On one hand, you’re happy that your child will be getting the help they need, but on the other hand, you’re concerned about what the future holds. It’s a scary path to […]
Bath Salt Use In Teens

As little as three years ago, bath salts were legally available in head shops, gas stations and online. They were sold in foil packets under names like Blue Silk or Cloud Nine, with the words “not for human consumption” printed on them. This was done to escape legal restrictions, and because the drug technically used […]