Top 10 Signs Of Depression In Teens

Some things in this world can’t be denied, and when it comes to teens and moodiness, this is definitely the case. Teens are known for being temperamental, as they’re in transition from child to adult. Since adolescents are naturally up and down, it can be hard to tell when they are depressed. But true depression […]
Regular Teen Marijuana Use Linked To Problems In Later Life

Not everyone knows how to feel about marijuana these days. Several states have legalized the recreational use of pot, and many more have accepted it as a legitimate form of medical treatment. There is also a ton of information online in support of legalizing pot, claiming that it has fewer side effects than aspirin. So, […]
5 Things To Look For In A Youth Rehab Center

No parent imagines that their child will turn into an addict, but the reality is that addiction is prevalent. You may not know everyone who is struggling because many times, families look at addiction as a failure on their part and keep quiet. If you know that your teenager has an addiction, the first and […]