Nick Schmit
Admissions Coordinator
Employment Start Date: April 2021
Why did you choose a career with The River Source?
The River Source gave me the opportunity to get my life back in a way I didn’t know existed. They taught me so much about myself, my potential, and how to live a fulfilling life without alcohol. I want to help everyone struggling to eventually have the same opportunity that was given to me.
What was the interview process like?
It was like an open conversation. I got to ask questions I wanted to ask, and the answers were not by-the-book answers. Everyone was open and honest in a professional manner.
How would you describe the training process?
I received great one-on-one training for all aspects of my position, from multiple different people. This helped me to gain insight on how multiple people did things effectively and was able to incorporate certain aspects into my style and flow of things. Being my first job in the addiction recovery space, I really appreciated all the different perspectives I received.
What do you enjoy most about your job?
I love being able to help give to others what was given to me. The fast pace combined with the great team make it awesome. Every day we are doing the same thing, in theory, but it is always different because everyone comes in with new or different challenges. The work keeps you on your toes and keeps work exciting.
How would you describe the culture and work environment?
I was welcomed to the “Work Family” from day one. Everyone was extremely inviting and helpful. The environment is great because you feel like a part of the team — no one is unapproachable. From the CEO on down, everyone is treated like as an equally important part of the team.
What’s the most rewarding aspect of working at The River Source?
Helping others to have the opportunity I was given. Seeing people go from being down and struggling, to proud men and women who have a fresh outlook on life and are ready to take on whatever is thrown at them.
How has The River Source helped you develop your professional skills?
I changed careers after 21 years in the same field. Being at The River Source has helped me to discover new skills professionally that I didn’t know I had. My time here has shown me that even after a long career in an opposite industry you can be successful in a new one with the right training, support, and people.
What potential is there for career growth at The River Source?
In the first few months of me starting my career at The River Source, I watched three people from my department grow into new positions. We have discussed my goals and aspirations, along with what I need to do to make those possible. I have witnessed people within other departments do the same. So, the opportunity for growth from within is evident and possible.
What’s one memorable moment you've had since working here?
I once saw a client who was in really bad shape and denial going through the program, and got to be a witness to the drastic changes that have and continue to take place with them. I watched that person become a leader and looked up to among his peers. I am extremely proud of the effort and work they have put in to get themselves to the point they are at now. Being able to watch them and all the others continuing to grow is something special.
Why should someone ultimately consider a career at The River Source?
Great atmosphere, positive work environment, potential for growth, amazing work family.