Side Effects of Heroin Use

Heroin is a “downer” drug that was first manufactured by the Bayer Pharmaceutical Company in 1898. It was meant to be used as a treatment for tuberculosis and morphine addiction. However, it didn’t take long for people to realize that heroin was even more addictive than morphine. By the 1990s, the mortality rate for heroin […]
Is My Spouse Using Drugs? What Can I Do?

Much information is available for parents who suspect that their teenager may be using drugs. Yet when it comes to adults, the lines are much more blurred. Adults can be very good at disguising their behavior, which means a drug problem can go undetected for a long time. The truth is that family members often […]
I Think My Loved One Is Using Drugs, What Can I Do?

If you think that your loved one is using drugs or alcohol, it’s important to act quickly. Family members who deny the situation or delay in getting their loved ones professional help can waste precious time. If it turns out that your suspicions are true, you can get them into an addiction rehab center quickly. A speedy […]
Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS) – What It Is And How To Deal With It

The withdrawal process can be broken down into two stages. The first stage is the acute stage, which typically lasts for a few weeks or less. During this time, you may feel the physical symptoms of withdrawal such as sweating, irritability, increased sensitivity to pain, insomnia, body aches, and headaches. Each drug is different and […]
Is My Partner Drinking Behind My Back?

When you first started dating your partner, you probably knew that you weren’t going to agree on everything. The house. The pets. The kids. The car. But you probably didn’t envision yourself arguing over alcohol. Unfortunately for some couples, this is the reality. With over 17 million people abusing alcohol or one in every 12 […]
Is My Friend Using Drugs?

Being a good friend comes with responsibility, and part of that responsibility is making sure the person you care about isn’t being destructive to themselves or others. Yet even the closest of friends can hide secrets. If you suspect that your friend is using drugs or alcohol, it’s important to address the problem rather than […]
Concerns Over Prescription Amphetamines

The typical stereotype of how an addiction form includes a young teen who experiments with marijuana or alcohol. They enjoy the highs they get, so they progress to other substances. Once they are “in” with a new group of friends, they have regular access to drugs, and the addiction worsens. But this is just one […]
Why Dual Diagnosis Is So Common

Individuals who struggle with substance abuse and a mental health disorder are described as having a dual diagnosis or co-occurring disorder. Because there are two diseases feeding off each other, these individuals often have a harder time recovering from addiction. This, unfortunately, is an all-too-common situation. How Likely Is It To Have A Dual Diagnosis? […]
Bath Salt Use In Teens

As little as three years ago, bath salts were legally available in head shops, gas stations and online. They were sold in foil packets under names like Blue Silk or Cloud Nine, with the words “not for human consumption” printed on them. This was done to escape legal restrictions, and because the drug technically used […]
Top 10 Signs Of Depression In Teens

Some things in this world can’t be denied, and when it comes to teens and moodiness, this is definitely the case. Teens are known for being temperamental, as they’re in transition from child to adult. Since adolescents are naturally up and down, it can be hard to tell when they are depressed. But true depression […]
What Is Pregorexia?

Just going off the name, you can probably figure out that pregorexia is a combination of pregnancy and anorexia. It’s certainly something that veers off our normal stereotype of “eating for two.” Many expectant mothers enjoy the extra freedom during their pregnancies to take in more calories and grow their bumps. But not every mother […]