What are the Most Abused Prescription Drugs?

Americans are taking more prescription drugs than ever before. Consumer Reports surveyed 1,947 American adults and found that more than half take a prescription medication daily. Many American adults also take supplements, vitamins and other over-the-counter drugs. To put it in perspective, Americans are taking more drugs than any other time in recent history and […]
Is Doctor Shopping Illegal?

Doctor shopping is not the process of choosing a physician based on your insurance coverage. Instead, it refers to going to multiple doctors to obtain controlled substances such as narcotics. The doctors are unaware that the patient is seeing multiple physicians, so they continue to write prescriptions. Even though law enforcement has cracked down on […]
Is Purple Drank Making a Comeback?

Purple drank is a combination of prescription-strength cough syrup, soft drinks, and hard candy. The drink became popular in the 1980s when hip hop artists began pouring Robitussin into their alcohol. Though any cough medicine can be used, prescription-strength is preferred (and most dangerous) because it contains the opioid codeine. Other names for purple drank […]
What are the Signs of an Ativan Addiction?

Ativan (the trade name for lorazepam) is a benzodiazepine that is used to treat anxiety. The drug works by binding to GABA receptors in the brain, slowing down chemical messages. This creates a calming effect. Because the drug typically does not affect the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, it can also be used to treat other […]
Is Cold Medicine in Your Home? Here’s What to Watch For

It’s not always illegal drugs on the streets that you have to worry about. Many addictions start in the medicine cabinet. With the opioid epidemic, more people are aware of prescription medications. However, over-the-counter medications can pose a risk, too. Cold medicines sold over the counter are not intended to cause harm and are relatively […]
5 Facts About Opiates

When you have a minor ache or pain, an over-the-counter pain reliever is usually enough to provide you with some relief. But if your pain is severe, you may be prescribed an opioid. Opioids are types of narcotic pain medications, but they can have serious side effects if you don’t use them correctly. While these […]
What’s Involved When Detoxing From Prescription Drugs?

If you have suffered from chronic pain, ADHD or anxiety, you know how important prescription medications can be. Unfortunately, many of these medications carry a high risk of addiction because they affect the mind. The people who take them aren’t always aware of how addicting these drugs can be because they are coming from doctors […]
Heroin Epidemic In The USA
President Obama Addressing West Virginia’s Heroin Epidemic. Courtesy: of www.CNN.com West Virginia has the highest rate of overdose deaths in the country, according to a recent report by Trust for America’s Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. These findings draw more attention to one of the nation’s poorest regions as they deal with the […]
How Can I Prevent Becoming Addicted To My Prescriptions?

Millions of Americans take prescription medications each year, and when used appropriately, they can be extremely beneficial in treating physical and emotional problems. Unfortunately, some prescriptions can be addictive and cause life-threatening addictions when abused. It’s important that when taking these types of medications that you are aware of what the risks are and what […]
The Problem With Prescribed Drugs Like Adderall

/blog/concerns-over-prescription-amphetamines/Adderall is a commonly prescribed medication used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. Made with a combination of two central nervous system stimulants which work together to restore the balance of neurotransmitters in the brain, the medication can help some individuals increase their ability to focus, pay attention, and control behavior. While […]
Concerns Over Prescription Amphetamines

The typical stereotype of how an addiction form includes a young teen who experiments with marijuana or alcohol. They enjoy the highs they get, so they progress to other substances. Once they are “in” with a new group of friends, they have regular access to drugs, and the addiction worsens. But this is just one […]
3 Things To Know About Benzodiazepines

Benzodiazepines are a type of medication known as tranquilizers. You’re probably familiar with some of the name brands: Valium, Xanax, Klonopin, and Ativan. Benzodiazepines are prescribed for certain medical conditions such as seizures, anxiety, and insomnia. However, they can also lead to prescription drug addiction. Sometimes they are taken recreationally without a prescription, or they […]