Study Shows Marijuana Use Can Lead to Painful Condition

New Marijuana: “Wax”

Over the past couple of years, a unique form of marijuana has been growing in popularity. “Ear wax,” or simply “wax” is a powerful concentrate of marijuana that leads to a faster, stronger high. Wax is said to be the most potent form of marijuana on the market, and its appeal seems to be even […]
Regular Teen Marijuana Use Linked To Problems In Later Life

Not everyone knows how to feel about marijuana these days. Several states have legalized the recreational use of pot, and many more have accepted it as a legitimate form of medical treatment. There is also a ton of information online in support of legalizing pot, claiming that it has fewer side effects than aspirin. So, […]
Emerging Drug Trend Alert: Dabs

Keeping on top of emerging drug trends isn’t always easy, but there is one trend that law enforcement and drug addiction treatment centers across the country are keeping an eye on: dabs. What is Dab? Dab – or earwax, honey, honey oil, shatter – is butane hash oil (BHO). The oil is extracted from the […]