How Exercise Affects the Brain (and Why it’s Good for Recovery!)

From Painkillers to Heroin: Why this Path is Common

Acupuncture is a type of alternative treatment. It involves inserting thin needles into specific points of the body to balance energy. When energy is restored, illnesses can be cured and pain can be more effectively managed. Acupuncture is used to treat a variety of health conditions such as headaches, back pain, high blood pressure, and […]
Study Finds Acupuncture is a Safe Alternative for Treating Pain

Acupuncture is a type of alternative treatment. It involves inserting thin needles into specific points of the body to balance energy. When energy is restored, illnesses can be cured and pain can be more effectively managed. Acupuncture is used to treat a variety of health conditions such as headaches, back pain, high blood pressure, and […]
Drug-Free Ways to Manage Chronic Pain

If you are recovering from drug addiction, you know how important it is to stay away from things that can put you at risk for relapse. Unfortunately, some recovering addicts must learn how to manage chronic pain without taking opioid prescriptions or over-the-counter meds. It can seem difficult at first, but there are many drug-free […]
Create a Healthy Schedule to Combat Anxiety

One of the best ways to combat anxiety is to create a schedule and stick to it. You can be flexible and accommodating to change, but it helps to know what is coming next. Plus, when you recognize the types of things that make you nervous, you can build a schedule that is both constructive […]
Drink Up! How Water Can Boost Your Recovery

Recovery is more than stopping the use of drugs and alcohol. This is a time for the body to repair itself. To accomplish this, recovering addicts must focus on eating a nutritious, well-balanced diet that consists of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and lean meats. However, many people forget the importance of hydration. Keeping the body […]
Returning to College in Recovery

One of the best things about seeking professional treatment for a substance abuse problem is that you have a second chance at life. This may include starting your dream job, raising your family or returning to school. Each path has unique challenges. By being honest with yourself, you can develop strategies for dealing with the […]
Drunk Driving on Halloween

Did you know that fatal drunk driving crashes are more likely to happen on Halloween than New Year’s Eve? According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), fatal crashes involving a drunk driver are three times more likely to take place on October 31 than New Year’s Eve. NHTSA statistics also point out that […]
Enjoy a Sober Labor Day with These 5 Mocktails

Labor Day is here! It’s the last hurrah before the unofficial end of summer. As a recovering alcoholic, it’s normal to have some reservations about attending a Labor Day party. Because everyone is different, always discuss your options with a counselor, addiction specialist, or AA sponsor. Depending on where you are in your recovery, it […]
Putting Together a Meal Plan for Addiction Recovery

Introducing healthy eating during an addiction treatment program is not an easy task. Recovering addicts are going through so many changes, they often aren’t open to starting a new diet plan. However, as we all know, addicts cannot continue eating the same foods they’ve been relying on. Their bodies are likely depleted, malnourished and possibly […]
Early Recovery: Keeping Busy Over the Summer

Some recovering addicts find that summer is the toughest season to stay sober. It could be the number of cookouts and drinking that goes on. Or the long, lazy weekends on the water. It could also be the surge in energy that so many of us feel during the summer months. If you are new […]
Nutrition Tips for Newly Recovering Addicts

When our addiction specialists meet new patients for the first time, we aren’t just concerned with the drugs and alcohol they have been consuming. We also want to know what food they have been consuming. A nutrition screening is important because it provides insight into the addict’s nutrition habits. Has their addiction impaired them to […]