How Group Therapy Works In Rehab

How Group Therapy Works In Rehab-The River Source Rehab

Part of your stay in drug rehab will include group therapy. You may envision a room with couches or chairs and people pouring their hearts out to a caring and compassionate therapist, but the scene is actually quite different. Group therapy blends together a group of people facing similar issues – in this case, drug […]

What Are The Benefits Of Individual Therapy vs. Group Therapy?

Benefits Of Individual Therapy

When seeking rehab for a drug or alcohol addiction, your recovery plan should include a variety of counseling such as family therapy, group therapy, and individual therapy. Each type of counseling is unique and provides healing in a different way. For instance, family therapy brings the family unit together to work through problems. Group therapy […]

Tips for Making the Most Out of Group Therapy

During their time in addiction treatment, clients at The River Source take part in individual, family and group therapy. Clients are often unsure of how to make the most of group therapy, however, mostly because they have withdrawn from people and have forgotten how to interact with others. Meeting in a group setting and talking […]

What’s the Difference Between AA, 12-Step Meetings and Group Therapy?

AA 12-Step Meetings and Group Therapy

When discussing the various treatment options for recovering addicts, 12-step and fellowship meetings are always the main focus. The 12-step program is part of a healthy recovery plan, and 12-step members can attend the meetings forever. Fellowships offer support and guidance during times when a recovered addict would otherwise be likely to turn to drugs […]