What Can Cause A Mental Health Disorder?

Many people who are addicted to drugs or alcohol are also diagnosed with other mental disorders. Compared to the general population, people with substance abuse problems are twice as likely to suffer from mood and anxiety disorders. About 37 percent of individuals with alcoholism and 53 percent of individuals with drug addictions have at least […]
Co-Occurring Disorders – Cycle Of Mood Disorders And Self-Medicating

According to the National Institutes of Health, approximately 21 million American adults, or 9.5 percent of the population ages 18 and older have one or more mood disorders. These disorders include major depressive disorder, dysthymic disorder (chronic, mild depression), and bipolar disorder (also called manic depression).5 Alcoholism and other types of drug dependence are frequently […]
2015 Drug Trends For Teens

New drugs and drug trends come into the picture quickly, and it’s not until negative consequences occur that law enforcement, health officials and treatment centers learn the true scope of the problem. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) hosts a group of researchers in major metropolitan areas to keep tabs on emerging drug trends […]
8 Things You Should Know About Drug Withdrawal And Detox

The first step to recovery is detox. Though many addicts fear this initial stage, there are ways to make the process more safe and comfortable. It also helps to know what to expect so that you can be well prepared. Here are 8 things to know about drug withdrawal and detox. Things You Should Know […]
5 Myths About Teen Eating Disorders

Here at The River Source, our youth program treats male teens, ages 13-17, some of whom have struggled with past eating disorders, which needs to be diagnosed and treated before coming to our facility. We can provide you with resources for your son’s eating disorder and line up substance abuse treatment following that. To treat […]
Bath Salt Use In Teens

As little as three years ago, bath salts were legally available in head shops, gas stations and online. They were sold in foil packets under names like Blue Silk or Cloud Nine, with the words “not for human consumption” printed on them. This was done to escape legal restrictions, and because the drug technically used […]
Regular Teen Marijuana Use Linked To Problems In Later Life

Not everyone knows how to feel about marijuana these days. Several states have legalized the recreational use of pot, and many more have accepted it as a legitimate form of medical treatment. There is also a ton of information online in support of legalizing pot, claiming that it has fewer side effects than aspirin. So, […]
3 Things To Know About Benzodiazepines

Benzodiazepines are a type of medication known as tranquilizers. You’re probably familiar with some of the name brands: Valium, Xanax, Klonopin, and Ativan. Benzodiazepines are prescribed for certain medical conditions such as seizures, anxiety, and insomnia. However, they can also lead to prescription drug addiction. Sometimes they are taken recreationally without a prescription, or they […]
5 Things To Look For In A Youth Rehab Center

No parent imagines that their child will turn into an addict, but the reality is that addiction is prevalent. You may not know everyone who is struggling because many times, families look at addiction as a failure on their part and keep quiet. If you know that your teenager has an addiction, the first and […]