Arizona Drug Rehab
Understanding the Importance of Drug Rehab in Arizona Drug addiction is a dangerous disease that can result in death if not treated right away or in the correct environment. It not only harms the person’s health but also damages their relationships, career, and overall well-being. Addiction to drugs such as opioids, heroin, cocaine, and prescription […]
Rehab Alumni Programs: Staying Connected After Finding Recovery
5 Reasons to Keep in Touch After a Rehab Program Leaving The River Source after completing a drug and alcohol rehab program is only the beginning of a lifelong journey in sobriety. Although you have made incredible strides in your recovery, you will need to continue practicing what you learned for many years. Staying in […]
How Drug Rehab in Arizona Actually Works
Stereotypes of Drug Rehab There are several stigmas surrounding drug and alcohol addiction and rehab centers. Many people assume that drug addicts are incapable of holding jobs, having functional families, paying their bills, or even taking care of their personal hygiene. However, most people struggling with drug and alcohol addiction appear to have normal lives […]