How to Support Someone with an Alcohol Problem

Support Someone with an Alcohol Problem

Helping someone with an alcohol problem may sound good on paper, but it’s not exactly easy to do. Most of the time, alcoholics will deny that they have a problem. It’s common to hear: “I can quit whenever I want.” Or, “Everyone does it. I’m just having fun.” Even though you may not be able […]

Stages of Alcoholism

Stages of Alcoholism

No one becomes an alcoholic overnight. Alcoholism is a progressive, chronic disease that generally follows three stages. Since alcohol is legal and socially acceptable, many people do not realize that they are crossing the line to the middle stage. Once you are past the first stage, it’s difficult to stop drinking on your own. Alcohol […]

Functional Alcoholics

Functional Alcoholics

Most people have a typical image of what an alcoholic looks like someone who consumes alcohol regularly and has a life that is falling apart because of it. Not all problem drinkers fit into this narrow category, though. Some can be just fine when they abuse alcohol, and experts refer to these individuals as “functional […]