Which Jobs Have The Highest Rates of Drug & Alcohol Use?

Substance abuse costs the U.S. economy billions of dollars in lost productivity, workplace accidents, and injuries each year. Thanks to government research that was conducted in 2014, we are now aware of the industries that are most at-risk for employee drug and alcohol abuse. Let’s take a closer look at what these industries are. Illicit […]
What are the Most Common Drugs People Overdose On?

Whether a person wants to admit it or not, an overdose is always in the back of their mind if they abuse drugs. They’re not the only ones concerned about a potential overdose. Their loved ones also lose sleep over the possibility of a fatal overdose. However, we don’t have to wait for an overdose to […]
How Can I Tell if My Spouse is Using Drugs?

Carly never worried about her relationship before. She had been happily married for 3 years, but then, things started to change. Her husband, Matt, started coming home late from work, going out on the weekends and wasn’t at the office when he said he was. Matt became defensive anytime Carly questioned him about his whereabouts. […]
Is There a Difference Between Being Dry and Sober?

Going through recovery for alcoholism is a long process. It involves the same stages as any stressful event in life: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Unfortunately, some individuals never get through the anger stage of the process. They continue to be bitter about having to abstain from alcohol. Dry vs. Sober: What’s the Difference? A […]