How Can I Tell if My Spouse is Using Drugs?

Carly never worried about her relationship before. She had been happily married for 3 years, but then, things started to change. Her husband, Matt, started coming home late from work, going out on the weekends and wasn’t at the office when he said he was. Matt became defensive anytime Carly questioned him about his whereabouts. […]
Emerging Drug Trend Alert: Dabs

Keeping on top of emerging drug trends isn’t always easy, but there is one trend that law enforcement and drug addiction treatment centers across the country are keeping an eye on: dabs. What is Dab? Dab – or earwax, honey, honey oil, shatter – is butane hash oil (BHO). The oil is extracted from the […]
The Many Sides of Denial in Addiction

Denial is a hallmark symptom of addiction. But unlike the clear-cut signs of dependency, denial is never black and white. It may rear its ugly head in all addiction cases, but overcoming denial is different for everyone. Not only do addicts work through this refusal of belief at their own pace, but also they experience […]