Accepting a Loved One’s Addiction is a Process

Accepting a loved one’s addiction is not easy. You may feel tempted to downplay the issue or pretend like it’s not there. The stigma of substance abuse doesn’t help. Many families admit that they feel shunned or criticized when people learn of their issues. However, addiction is a worldwide epidemic and no one is exempt. […]
5 Myths about Women and Addiction

Addiction affects men and women somewhat differently. Women process emotions differently than men and are biologically more susceptible to certain mental disorders. For example, women are nearly twice as likely as men to be diagnosed with anxiety or depression. It’s also possible that trauma, family history, and loss play a larger role in substance abuse […]
5 Things Addicts Want You to Know

Living with an addiction is devastating for addicts and their family and friends. Communication is difficult for the addict because the addiction is in control and their thoughts are not their own. It’s also hard for loved ones, as they’re not communicating with the same person they’ve known all their lives. There are things that […]
Hitting Rock Bottom: 4 Crises That Can Prompt Recovery

Despite popular belief, you do NOT have to hit rock bottom to seek professional treatment. While some addicts will end up waiting to get help until they reach this point, it’s not something you need to wait for. Treatment is helpful at all stages of addiction. Treating the disease sooner than later often leads to […]
8 Surprising Facts About Addiction

Millions of Americans struggle with substance abuse, yet only a fraction get the help they need. There are dozens of reasons why people don’t seek professional intervention. Consider the countless movies, TV shows and music that glamorize the use of drugs and alcohol. This can blur the lines between what’s acceptable and not acceptable. Additionally, […]
Cross Addiction: Here’s What You Need to Know

Cross addiction is when a person moves from one addiction to another. It can be common for newly recovering addicts to relapse, but they don’t always return to the same drug. In some cases, the user thinks they can “control” the new drug. For example, someone who abused heroin might abuse prescription painkillers because they […]
How to Talk to Your College Student About Drugs and Alcohol

The start of college is an exciting time for a young adult. However, many college students have extra time on their hands, as well as exposure to drugs and alcohol. Although most students are aware of the negative physical effects of drugs and alcohol, many don’t know of the legal, social and academic consequences that […]
Recovering from Depression and Substance Abuse

Dealing with depression while recovering from substance abuse throws a wrench into the mix. Some addicts may have untreated depression that preceded the drug addiction. Others may have developed depression as a symptom of the abuse. Regardless of which order the depression came in, it’s vital that effective treatment is given to both conditions. Is […]
Will Substance Abuse Be Covered in 2020?

Under the Affordable Care Act, mental health and substance abuse services are covered as essential health benefits. All plans must cover behavioral health treatment (counseling, psychotherapy), mental and behavioral health inpatient services and substance use disorder treatment. Your specific health benefits depend on the state you live in and the health plan you choose. However, […]
What are the Most Common Drugs People Overdose On?

Whether a person wants to admit it or not, an overdose is always in the back of their mind if they abuse drugs. They’re not the only ones concerned about a potential overdose. Their loved ones also lose sleep over the possibility of a fatal overdose. However, we don’t have to wait for an overdose to […]
How Can I Tell if My Spouse is Using Drugs?

Carly never worried about her relationship before. She had been happily married for 3 years, but then, things started to change. Her husband, Matt, started coming home late from work, going out on the weekends and wasn’t at the office when he said he was. Matt became defensive anytime Carly questioned him about his whereabouts. […]
Emerging Drug Trend Alert: Dabs

Keeping on top of emerging drug trends isn’t always easy, but there is one trend that law enforcement and drug addiction treatment centers across the country are keeping an eye on: dabs. What is Dab? Dab – or earwax, honey, honey oil, shatter – is butane hash oil (BHO). The oil is extracted from the […]