Much information is available for parents who suspect that their teenager may be using drugs. Yet when it comes to adults, the lines are much more blurred. Adults can be very good at disguising their behavior, which means a drug problem can go undetected for a long time.
The truth is that family members often DO notice that something isn’t right, but they feel guilty about imagining an addiction.
Others may push the thoughts away until they are presented with confirmation of the addiction, which may not come for some time if the person is doing a good job at hiding their abuse.
Signs That Your Spouse May Be Using Drugs
Let’s discuss some of the signs that your spouse could be using drugs and what can you do about it. Being informed can save a life.
Physical Signs
Drugs affect the body, and the longer the use goes on, the more signs you will see. Some things to look for include sudden changes in appetite or weight, sleep patterns, and hygienic habits. Drugs can make your spouse more tired, for example, and lethargy can make them stop taking care of themselves. Also look for bloodshot eyes, nosebleeds, or changes in skin coloration.
Behavioral Signs
Secretive or suspicious behavior is also common in addicts. They may lock themselves away for extended periods of time, stop taking an interest in their favorite hobbies or have a sudden change in friends. You may also notice that your spouse has personality changes or severe mood swings and has more conflict with their personal relationships.
Psychological Signs
Since drugs have an impact on the brain, psychological changes are apparent almost immediately. You may notice that your spouse has increased paranoia, defensiveness, or trouble paying attention.
Financial Signs
Addicts will do anything to support their habit, so take any signs of financial distress seriously. Money withdrawn from accounts, cash advances, missing cash and unpaid bills is red flags. Your spouse may also steal from friends and loved ones, or sell valuables from around the home to get money.
It’s Worth Talking To Your Spouse
Above all, listen to your gut instinct. If you suspect that something is off with your spouse, confront them. They may get angry or resistant, but if there is a problem, wouldn’t you want to know? The sooner you can address it, the sooner your spouse can start working on their recovery.
What’s The Next Step?
If you are confident that a drug problem is present, the next step is staging an intervention. Be sure to meet with an interventionist who is experienced in these types of situations. They will help you arrange an intervention and also serve as a mediator. You will need to have a treatment center picked out and consequences in place if your spouse chooses not to seek treatment.
The River Source is here to offer you the support and strength you need to deal with an addiction to drugs or alcohol. We have a safe, sober environment that offers alternative therapies, counseling, and continuing care. Call us today to learn more about our successful rehabilitation program.