Holistic Addiction Treatment: Explained, Uniquely Tailored By The River Source’s Dr. Dave Arneson

Addiction treatment through a holistic perspective incorporates full-body healing – mind, body, and spirit. Holistic therapy focuses on meditation and counseling for the mind and emotional well-being, nutrition and exercise for the body, as well as spiritual aspects.

In the video below, The River Source’s very own Naturopathic Medical Doctor, Dr. Dave Arneson explains just what holistic addiction treatment means while sharing The River Source’s unique holistic drug addiction treatment benefits on those seeking addiction recovery.

Key Takeaways From The Video

  • Our holistic treatment includes focused nutrition, IV therapy, amino acid/protein therapies
  • Dr. Arneson personally talks to each patient to determine program adjustments
  • Natural medicine is unique and uniquely tailored
  • Communication between staff and patients is open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day

Watch the full video here:

Holistic Addiction Treatment At The River Source

We offer an individualized treatment plan which focuses on our client’s individual needs and goals. Holistic addiction treatment therapies are incorporated to provide a complete and overall healing and recovery from addiction.

Take that first step and call us now to learn more about our holistic treatment and customized treatment plans.

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