How To Replace Addiction With A New Passion

As you embark on the road to recovery, it’s hard not to think about the future. Even though you may have been taught to take things one day at a time, it’s only natural to worry about what will replace your addiction. At one point, you were consumed by your addiction. Now, you may be wondering what you are going to do with your time. How will you resist the urge to use again?

Replacing Addiction With A New Passion

One of the best steps you can take is to replace the addiction with a new passion. By starting a new passion, you have something to focus on. A reason to get up and out of bed in the mornings. Something meaningful to pour your time and creativity into. A distraction from the perils of recovery.

Past Passion Or New One?

Think about some of the things you used to love doing before the addiction. Maybe it was a sport, an interest in music or art or traveling to different locations. Choose one or two activities that brought you happiness and try to get back into them. See if they bring you the same satisfaction and sense of purpose that they used to.

It’s possible that the activities you once loved may not bring you the same happiness anymore. Maybe it’s because you’re a different person, or perhaps it’s because these activities remind you of a happier time that you’re just not ready to revisit. Don’t feel bad. Move onto something else. It’s a new chapter in your life, so now is an appropriate time to have some new activities to go along with it.

Avoiding Addiction Swapping

Just about anything that brings you happiness is worth investing your time into. Whether it’s a physical activity like swimming or running, or something more intellectually stimulating like art or music, the goal is to select an activity that ignites the fire within you. You need something to get excited about, and something that will distract you from temptation.

The only thing we caution is that you don’t trade your past addiction for a new one, something called addiction swapping. You know that you have a tendency to be impulsive and obsessive, so don’t transfer these tendencies onto something new. This is where your support network can be helpful. They can let you know if you’re starting to display unhealthy characteristics and help you get back on track.

Choose Addiction Treatment That Is Free From Distraction

The River Source provides holistic treatment to those with substance abuse problems. We offer a safe, supportive environment that is free from distraction from the outside world. Through counseling, family education and continuing care, we’re able to help many addicts find inner peace.

Call us now to start your journey!

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