Drug Rehab Tucson: Guide for Recovery

Drug Rehab Tucson: Overcoming Drug Addiction With Professional Help

More than 22 million people live in the country with an addiction to drugs or alcohol. A chronic condition, a substance use disorder is characterized by relapse, deterioration of physical and mental health, and, for many, an erosion of many of the most important things in their lives–relationships, jobs, and financial well-being. Drug and alcohol addictions can be so powerful that a person feels overwhelmingly compelled to use them despite the negative consequences they’re suffering in association with their substance abuse. 

There is only one way to manage substance addiction effectively and that is through abstinence. An addiction to drugs or alcohol, once it sets in, is not a condition that can be reversed. This means that it can’t be cured; at least, that is the medical community’s consensus. For example, a person addicted to alcohol cannot become ‘unaddicted’ by going through detox, rehab, and a few years of sobriety. If they begin to drink again, aka relapse, they reignite the psychological and physiological aspects of that addiction and can restart the nightmare of substance abuse. 

At The River Source, we help clients stop using drugs and alcohol for good with our effective treatment programs and dynamic treatment approaches. If you are struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, our drug rehab in Tucson can help.

For more information on how our addiction treatment programs can help heal drug or alcohol dependence, please give The River Source a call at 866-294-9331.

People can end their dependence on drugs and alcohol by learning how to manage their triggers and maintain abstinence. Our drug rehab in Tucson offers world-class treatments designed to target each aspect of addiction. A substance use disorder is complex, so people require professional help to manage it successfully. Measures like quitting cold turkey or undergoing detox without further treatment invariably result in relapse. Why? Because addiction isn’t simply a matter of physical dependence. That’s one powerful aspect of the disease. 

A substance use disorder involves powerful psychological and behavioral aspects too. In fact, these aspects are generally what provoke relapse. Addiction specialists work with clients closely, helping them examine their triggers and develop strategies for coping with them. Managing addiction often involves transforming unhealthy coping patterns, finding healthy outlets for negative emotions, and dealing effectively with stress. For many, it also involves leaving behind unhealthy relationships with people who abuse drugs or alcohol and finding ways to repair the damage that their drug or alcohol use caused to their lives. Having professional support can make all the difference in recovery success. 

Does Insurance Cover Drug Rehab?

drug rehab center tucson

Most medical insurance carriers now offer some coverage for substance abuse treatment and mental health care. The passage of the Affordable Care Act set new minimum coverage levels for these forms of healthcare. Although some providers only offer the minimum coverage required by the ACA, many offer an excellent range of coverage, but the amount depends on the insurance provider and the specific plan. If you don’t know how much coverage your insurance plan provides, you can contact The River Source. Our insurance specialists can help you determine the particulars of your coverage regarding substance abuse treatment.  

Tucson Drug Rehab: How to Find the Right Rehab Program

When searching for a quality drug rehab in the Tucson area, it’s important to consider some essential factors before enrolling. Each addiction treatment center is different, so how do you know how to find the best one?

Clinically Driven Treatments

It’s important to find a drug rehab that offers therapies that the medical community has approved for treating substance use disorders and dual diagnosis (a condition involving a substance addiction and mental health condition like anxiety or depression). Alternative and holistic treatments can be extremely beneficial and enhance recovery, but it’s still important to find a program that also includes medically sanctioned treatment approaches like cognitive behavioral therapy in Tucson because they’re deemed both safe and effective for the treatment of substance use disorders. 

Licensure and Experience

Having the appropriate license, accreditation, and licensed treatment providers (physicians, psychologists, therapists, counselors) is important. Treatment is an investment in your time, health, and financial resources. Don’t entrust your well-being to an unlicensed treatment center or unqualified practitioners. Appropriate licensing is a prerequisite, but it’s also important to determine if the Tucson addiction treatment center and its providers are experienced. At The River Source, for example, we feature a team of experienced addiction specialists who have devoted their careers to helping clients end their dependence on drugs and alcohol. 

Individualized Treatment Programs

Every individual is different. While people facing substance use disorders may share many similar experiences regarding their disorder, their path to developing addiction and managing it requires individual support. Look for a rehab that offers individualized treatment programs so that each person can get the type of care they need. A quality treatment program should offer both individual therapy and group therapy. 

Also, the treatment center should feature an onboarding process that involves individual assessments. By providing a thorough evaluation, treatment providers can recommend the ideal course of treatment for each individual. For instance, some people may benefit from medication-assisted treatment; others will not. Some clients can benefit from family therapy; others may benefit from the addition of alternative addiction treatments. Rehabs that take a cookie-cutter approach to treatment miss the crucial needs that an individual invariably will have. A doctor wouldn’t supply the same heart disease treatment for every patient; substance use disorders require an individual approach too. 

Comprehensive Support

It can be helpful to look for a rehab that offers a full range of addiction treatment plans, including medical detox, inpatient treatment, outpatient treatment, and aftercare programming or alumni support. The best rehabs can also provide dual diagnosis treatment as mental health conditions often present with substance addiction. This type of programming allows clients to transition from one level of care to another as their support needs change. 

How Long Is Drug Rehab in Tucson?

The amount of time someone remains enrolled in a treatment program often varies based on their individual needs. Tucson drug rehab treatment programs are often based on 30, 60, and 90-day increments. The River Source offers a comprehensive 120-day treatment program for people who want a robust level of support designed to help them build a strong recovery foundation. However, some clients prefer to attend our inpatient or outpatient treatment program for a shorter duration. According to researchers, the longer a person spends in treatment for a substance use disorder, the less likely they are to relapse. Additionally, clients who complete our full treatment program are eligible for our guarantee–free additional therapy if they relapse within a year of completing our program.

Tucson Drug Rehab: Call River Source Today to Start the Best Drug Rehab Program in Arizona

If you are addicted to drugs–illicit or prescription–or alcohol, you can get high-quality, caring treatment at The River Source. Our drug rehab in Tucson offers conventional and naturopathic therapies that support whole-person recovery. We treat the mind, body, and spirit, helping clients put their substance abuse in the past and create a more rewarding and healthful life. Call us at 866-294-9331 to learn more about our enrollment process. Let us help you be well.

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